Apr 25Liked by Kelly Keller

A good word, Kelly!

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Apr 25Liked by Kelly Keller

I appreciate this - even if reading the takeaways from the publishing industry testimonies was slightly depressing. I can't believe that 20-25% of readers generate 80% of the income! Crazy. But then again I guess it kind of does make sense ...

I have to complete that Jayber Crow quote because it is my favorite part ... "I really have been only on the edge of it, **carried along.** Is this because we are in an eternal story that is happening partly in time?"

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Apr 25Liked by Kelly Keller

Thanks for this Kelly. I think i have an inclination toward the optimization stuff that makes it so tempting, but it's not healthy. I loved: "Dear modern world, take off your shoes and walk on your grass. Do not walk on your grass because that guy on Instagram told you to. Walk in the grass because one time, when you were a littler person, before you knew what Instagram was, you knew that it was fun and it felt good." Spot on.

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Apr 25Liked by Kelly Keller

as if I needed another reason... #gosox!

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Is it okay if I avoid walking barefoot on the grass here in Texas? It’s pricky and the fire ants like to hang out in it.

Other than that, yes! I’m so tired of all the measuring methods.

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