I keep a commonplace book! I am about to start teaching a children's literature class with an online classical school and am hoping to have my students start keeping a commonplace book, as well! I'm still thinking through how to begin...I may have them do the first several entries as assigned copywork that I select, and then move toward having them select their own passages.

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That's pretty close to what I used to do! It helps them through the initial nervousness caused by the blank page.

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I keep a Commonplace book. I am starting to wonder if I need to categorize it though. In the beginning, it was fun to simply have a place to jot all the things down. However, now that the book is full, it's hard to locate anything quickly.

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I understand this struggle! I have also started keeping track of what I read when in my bullet journal and page where I've taken notes. That has helped a little bit.

I supposed this is a problem that would be partially solved by using Goodreads, but I can't bring myself to manage another online platform!

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