Flannery O’Connor for sure. She is so good at getting at those heart issues in surprising ways.

Also, A Picture of Dorian Gray, A Place For Us, Middlemarch, A Christmas Carol, and everything Karen Swallow Prior has ever recommended (but you knew I was going to say that!)

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KSP, our hero. I wonder if she knows how much she is talked about (in a nice way). I haven't read A Place for Us. Tell me more!

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Ah. It is so beautiful. It’s by Fatima Farheed Mitza and came out within the past 5 years. It tells the story of a traditional Muslim family (with one estranged son and one very “perfect” daughter) and how the son and the daughter (and other family members) wrestle with the good and the ugly in their different faiths and how that effects the family as a cohesive whole.

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Ooooh this does sound wonderful!

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