Welcome. Thanks for joining me.

On the Common is named for the common space in a New England town like the one I grew up in. It’s where neighbors saw each other daily as they let the livestock eat. It’s where news was passed on, stories were told, and needs were made known.

The green grass and conversation were vital for the flourishing of the community. It’s my hope that this online space will lend itself for flourishing, as well.

I’ve kept this newsletter free for all subscribers, with the option for you to pay for it if you’d like. My paid subscriptions function something like a “tip jar” — if you’re benefitting from what I do here and you’d like to buy me a coffee now and then (or pay for the costs I incur doing this), I’d be grateful! But don’t feel obligated.

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Church life, books, culture, and other conversations.


Wife to David || 5 kids|| @oakhurstrebirth member || @storywarren contributor